« Beware of Mortgage Modification & Foreclosure Assistance Scams | Main | Call for Gun Control After Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting » Saturday, August 18, 2012Is There Really a Market For This Business?I was driving through Chandler today and this business caught my eye. Is the economy really so bad that people have to rent tires? I can't imagine a single situation that would make me want to rent a tire. Even if you need new tires really bad but can't afford them, there are many used tire places around the Valley that sell decent used tires for half the price of a new tire (or less). Since I'm a very curious person (or weird, however you want to look at it), I couldn't stop wondering what would make somebody rent a tire. So I googled this place. Their website claims that they're the "largest Rent-To-Own Custom Wheel and Tire Retailer in the nation". I'm sure they probably are because I think they may be the ONLY Rent-To-Own Custom Wheel and Tire Retailer in the nation! But here's what surprised me... their website says they have over 86 stores across 11 states, and the company is the 7th largest independent tire dealer in the country. Seriously, who rents tires? Apparently not many people. Although, the store was open and they had a "Sale" sign out front, there wasn't a single car in the parking lot. Posted by Shannon Hubbard, AZ Realtor & Computer Guru on August 18, 2012 | Permalink CommentsI enjoyed reading ..thanks Posted by: Ahmed Amin / Condominium Downtown Toronto | Oct 12, 2012 8:08:13 PM I don't think I would ever consider renting tires! Now if they would throw in replacements every couple years and be cheaper than buying I'd do it... but I seriously doubt that would be the case. Posted by: Garrigus Real Estate | Dec 4, 2012 2:15:21 PM The comments to this entry are closed.
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