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Wednesday, July 05, 2006

How Does Your House Look to Buyers, Lenders, Appraisers, etc?

Below is an email I received from my Dad.  While I think it's pretty funny, it's also true to some extent.  When you are selling your home, your house is what your potential buyers perceive it as being, and how you see your home is irrelevant.  This means that when you prepare your house for a viewing or for an open house, you need to be sure you make it look warm and inviting, get rid of clutter and eliminate any odors, and arrange your possessions so that they focus the buyer's attention on the home's positive features.  So that's my tip for the day to sellers!  And always remember that even in real estate, beauty is in the eye of the beholder!

Your house as seen by:


This is how you see your house!

Your Lender...

This is how your lender sees your house!

Your Buyer...

This is how your buyer sees your house!

Your Appraiser...

This is how your appraiser sees your house!

Your Tax Assessor...

This is how your tax assessor sees your house!

And yes, selling a home can be frustrating, especially in today's tougher market.  But proper preparation, marketing and pricing from the beginning will go along way toward selling your home in a reasonable amount of time.

Origin of the above email is unknown!

Visit Shannon Hubbard's Home Page     Written By: Shannon Hubbard

Great American Realty, Inc.

Cell: (480) 695-6672
Email me

Posted by Shannon Hubbard, AZ Realtor & Computer Guru on July 5, 2006 | Permalink


Hehe. I just got this email, too. Oh how true it is!

And regarding your comments, we just sold our own home, first day on market, multiple offers, higher than asking price, no contingencies, quick closing. Our home was beautifully staged, decluttered, neutralized, all the lights on, blinds open to just the right amount, etc. Worked perfectly!

Posted by: Jason | Jul 5, 2006 12:33:33 PM

Great job Jason. I'm curious what city/area your house was located in? Did you stage the home yourself, or have a professional do it? Just curious!

Posted by: Shannon Hubbard | Jul 17, 2006 11:36:39 AM

I love this!!!! thanks for the post

Posted by: Phyllis Harb | Aug 15, 2008 8:50:36 AM

I can relate with Jason, maybe we have the same experience in selling a house.


Posted by: condo Philippines | Aug 5, 2010 6:32:11 PM

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