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Sunday, January 09, 2005

Buying Land

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Posted by BlogArizona BlogMaster on January 9, 2005 | Permalink


Is anybody familiar with Prescott Ridge Home Association in Prescott Valley. Can anybody tell me anything about the Association such as length of time it has existed, rate of buy-up, land value, opinion on the property, etc.

Posted by: Paul Kramer | Feb 22, 2007 12:58:54 AM

Hi Paul - The link below has some info on the Prescott Ridge Homeowners Association (but you have to scroll pretty far down the page to find it). It has names of the HOA Board Members and a contact phone# and email address. It says the HOA is managed by Associated Asset Management, and the management company is responsible for CC&R compliance. If you haven't already, you may want to contact the management company and the Board of Directors to ask some questions. The link below has information on where their Board of Director meetings are posted - if you really want to know how the Association is and you are able, see if you can go to the next meeting!

You're right to look for information from other sources though, so if anybody out in the blogosphere knows any info about the Prescott Ridge HOA in Precott Valley, AZ, please make a comment! Okay, now here's that link...


(Sorry - you'll have to copy and paste - links are disabled in comments due to excessive comment spamming!)

Posted by: Shannon Hubbard | Feb 22, 2007 9:11:05 AM

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